This time last year, 2010, I had recently had our son, Tacoma. I was feeling morbidly obese at just under 200 lbs, with no hope of getting out of my maternity jeans any time soon. I wrote my resolution on a piece of loose-leaf paper and stuck it to my "board o' stuff" for the world to see. Did I achieve anything on my resolution list? Well, let's see...
Marissa's New Year's Resolution 2010
1. Have a clean room
2. Get rid of some clothes and shoes
3. Get rid of things we don't need
4. Have a clean car
5. Weigh 155 and be back in my old clothes by May 28th (my birthday)
6. Weigh 145 by December 2011
7. Work out once a week starting first week of 2011
8. Work out twice a week by May 28th
9. Work out three times a week by October
10. Be a happier person
11. Tithe more consistently
12. Be a more supportive and loving wife
13. Be a more patient and active mom
And I'll go down the list starting with numero uno. "Have a clean room" hasn't exactly happened. As much as I would love to say that this entire place is spotless, it is most definitely not. But I have a much smaller, less overwhelming mess than I did this time last year. Let's face it, you take two messy young adults, throw their apartment into two rooms, add a baby, and you get chaos.
"Get rid of some clothes and shoes" has definitely happened. CHECK! Yes, I, the Queen of Clothes and the Princess of Shoes, got rid of some of my least loyal subjects. Meaning, I looked through my closet, drawers, boxes, and baskets and said, "Hear ye, hear ye... all unfashionable, ill-fitting clothes and shoes are hereby banished from the kingdom." And that was that.
"Get rid of things we don't need" happened. We had a garage sale.
"Have a clean car" can be checked off the list. Our car is about as clean as it gets with a one-year-old passenger.
Numbers 5-9 can't be checked off my list. I had set the bar too high for myself. I was assuming that I would be able to ignore the hunger pangs and the lingering cravings every single time. I couldn't have been more wrong. But I swear I don't wear my maternity jeans anymore and most of my shirts fit me again. This year that part of my resolution will be more logical.
As for number 10, I am definitely a happier person. Numbers 12 and 13 can be lumped in with this one. I am happier, I am a better wife, and I am a fantastic mom (if I do say so myself). Last year I was feeling guilty about a few things, most of them having to do with my attitude toward everyone, including Tacoma. It's hard being a new mom and realizing your life is forever changed. I wasn't quite ready for it. Finding a good routine took a long time, much longer than I'd anticipated. Eventually Nathan and I figured out how to be "us" while still being "Mommy and Daddy" for Tacoma. There are still some kinks that need to be worked out, but for the most part we've got it figured out.
"Tithe more consistently" ... yeah, I'd love to say we have been tithing machines, but we haven't really even been church-going machines. We've missed more Sundays than we've gone, honestly. This one is definitely going back on the resolution list for 2012.
So here it is...
Marissa's New Year's Resolution 2012 (In no particular order)
1. Tithe. Go to church.
2. Lose weight. (I think we all knew that was coming)
3. Have an apartment of our own by April
4. Have our car completely fixed by December
5. Have a budget.
There's more that I want to write today, but I'm stopping here. Can't sit on my butt all day if I'm going to get anything on my resolution list done!